Earth Recultivator

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For Earth RepopulatorUnique to the Iron Teeth faction, see Earth Repopulator.

The Earth Recultivator icon.png Earth Recultivator is the Folktails icon.png Folktail's Earth Recultivator icon.png wonder. When activated, the Earth Recultivator launches balloons carrying Folktail-patented seed packs that help restore life on the planet. Note that the effect is visual only and doesn't affect the map layout.

When activated, makes the Beavers icon.png beavers in the area extra happy.

The Earth Recultivator employs up to ten Workers icon.png workers for loading Paper icon.png paper and Extract icon.png extract into the monument, and doesn't require Horsepower icon.png Horsepower to function.

In order to activate the monument, the workers must first load 500 Paper icon.png paper and 500 Extract icon.png extract to prepare the recultivator after construction is complete.