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A Wonder is a huge Buildings icon.png Building that requires large amounts of Materials icon.png Materials to Buildings icon.png Build. Once a Earth Recultivator icon.png Wonder has been built, the game is considered complete for that File:Map icon.png map.

When activated, all Beavers icon.png beavers within a large AoE (area of effect) recieve a buff to their Well-Being icon.png Well-Being.

The player can then start a new File:Settlement icon.png settlement on any place of that map. When the wonder is activated for the first time, the game also presents a pop-up window presenting a summary of the user's playthrough up until that point. A badge will also be added to the map in the map selection window, indicating the user has beaten that map.

Additionally, Flexible Start is unlocked for both Factions icon.png factions as soon as a wonder is activated for the first time with any faction. Flexible start allows the player to choose where the first District Center icon.png District Center is located when playing the map again for all future playthroughs.


Wonders go through multiple Construction Phases during construction.


Wonders require the most resources out of any building in the game. They require the most Science Points icon.png Science Points to unlock, as well as the most Materials icon.png Materials and time to build.


Faction Wonder
Folktails icon.png Folktails Earth Recultivator icon.png Earth Recultivator
Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth Earth Repopulator icon.png Earth Repopulator


  • It is possible to build multiple Wonders on the same map


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