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Production icon.png

Time in Timberborn runs on two scales: Simulation time, on the scale of days and hours, and Player time, on the scale of seconds and minutes.

1 Simulation day is 460 Player seconds.

Both time scales refer to in-game durations, and are effected by playback speed.

Playback Speed Simulation duration (hours) Player duration (minutes)
(1x) > 3:13 1:00
(3x) >> 1:04 0:20
(7x) >>> 0:47 0:09

Note: playback speed may be effected by low computer performance.

Simulation Time

Simulation time is the time scale that the beavers experience, and is displayed in the top right of the screen as the Weather icon.png Weather cycle information and the Working Hours management, where the beavers' schedule can be adjusted.

Each day lasts 24 in-game hours, with 16 hours of daytime, and 8 hours of nighttime. With default work hours, a healthy beaver will spend daytime travelling to work & working, and will spend the nighttime travelling back home from work, Well-Being icon.png relaxing and Housing icon.png sleeping. The shorter time it takes to travel, the more time the beaver will have to relax, meaning more needs can stay met. Bot icon.png Bots will work regardless of time. Buildings which do not require Workers icon.png Workers will also run continuously.