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Buildings icon.png

Buildings icon.png Buildings are structures that can be built by Beavers icon.png Beavers and Bots icon.png Bots.
Most types of buildings have to be unlocked once spending Science Points icon.png Science Points.


Paths icon.png Paths can be built directly and for free, Lumberjack Flag icon.png flags are free but need building time, all other buildings need time and materials to be constructed.


In general, when a buildings is placed on the map, it first appears as a construction site. It won't work in any way before it is constructed by builders: Beavers icon.png Beavers and Bots icon.png Bots employed at a District Center icon.png District Center or Builders' Hut icon.png Builders' Hut.
Builders carry the needed materials to the sites and spend some time there doing the construction work. If all the needed materials aren't available, builders will transport all available materials to the construction site and carry out part of the construction work accordingly.

Each construction site can be Pause icon.png turned off, preventing beavers from placing materials or proceeding with the construction of that building.
Constructions sites can also be assigned five priority levels, ranging from "Very Low" to "Very High". By default, each newly placed construction site will have "Normal" priority.

Construction Order

The execution order of building jobs is determined by three factors:
First, whether a site is turned on, reachable by builders, and the buildings below are finished. (If the last one is true, the site will be visible on the map as sticks on the floor.)
Second, if it is reachable, the priority which was assigned to the site.
Third, if they have the same priority, the order in which the sites where placed.
An exception is Terrain Blocks icon.png Terrain Blocks, where arrow direction is followed before placement order.

However, if many builders are working at the same time, they can possibly overtake each other and the order gets mixed up.

The execution order is of course important whenever things are time-critical. It should also be considered in those cases where the access to construction sites can easily get blocked if the order hasn't been set properly. Otherwise, additional scaffolding may be needed.
Also, builders (and others) can get Stranded icon.png stuck if their way back is blocked by just-completed buildings.


Menu Groups

There are (14) groups of buildings. Each group provides different kinds of capabilities or deals with different kind of Needs.


Decoration icon.png Decoration buildings mostly satisfy the Beavers icon.png beavers' different aestethics need. Decorations also allows access to Log Fence icon.png fences.

District Management

District Management icon.png District Management buildings add Builders' Hut icon.png builder capacity and the abilities to Hauling Post icon.png haul Materials icon.png goods within a district, establish new District Center icon.png Districts, and District Crossing icon.png distribute goods from district to district.


Food (Building Group) icon.png Food buildings provide beavers with the abilities to Gatherer Flag icon.png gather, Farmhouse icon.png plant, Farmhouse icon.png harvest, and Grill icon.png process, Grilled Potatoes icon.png food and Potatoes icon.png ingredients to satisfy beavers' hunger and nutrition needs.


Housing icon.png Housing buildings satisfy the shelter and sleep needs. Each faction has unique housing options.
This building group also deals with controlling the population growth. Folktails icon.png Folktails do so by controlling the number of beds, Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth by operating Breeding Pod icon.png Breeding Pods.


Landscaping icon.png Landscaping buildings add the ability to block water, either Floodgate icon.png adjustable, Levee icon.png completely, or Dam icon.png partially. They are mainly used to accumulate and hold Fluids icon.png Fluids before and during a Drought icon.png drought.
The Explosives Factory icon.png explosives factory and the Dirt Excavator icon.png dirt excavator also create abilities to change the landscape by either Dynamite icon.png removing or Terrain Block icon.png adding terrain.


Metal icon.png Metal buildings add the ability to Scavenger Flag icon.png collect Scrap Metal icon.png scrap metal from Ruins icon.png ruins and Smelter icon.png process it into Metal Blocks icon.png metal blocks.
Metal blocks are construction materials needed in mid and end game.


Monuments icon.png Monument buildings satisfy the Awe needs category. All monuments are faction exclusive.

Paths and Structures

Paths and Structures icon.png Paths and Structures buildings add the ability to freely build Path icon.png paths to connect buildings together. This category also contains Wooden Stairs icon.png stairs, Platform icon.png platforms, and Suspension Bridge 1x1 icon.png bridges.


Power icon.png Power buildings add the ability to generate power through either, Power Wheel icon.png beaver power, Engine icon.png engines, Water Wheel icon.png water wheels, or Windmill icon.png windmills.
Power is measured in Horsepower icon.png hp and can be distributed via Straight Power Shaft icon.png power shafts and consumed by powered buildings.


The basic Science icon.png science building is the Inventor icon.png inventor.
The inventor is important early on. Without them, beavers are unable to produce Science icon.png science and without science, beavers will be unable to unlock new buildings. It is highly recommended to build at least (1) inventor in early game.
The Science icon.png science category also includes the different buildings to construct Bots icon.png Bots and satisfy their needs.


Storage icon.png Storage buildings enable beavers to store Logs icon.png logs and certain Materials icon.png materials in piles, most kinds of goods in Small Warehouse icon.png warehouses, and Water (Good) icon.png water and several liquids in Large Tank icon.png tanks.


Water (Building Group) icon.png Water buildings add the ability to Water Dump icon.png dump and Water Pump icon.png pump water to satisfy beavers' thirst and to allow crops and trees to grow.
There is also a Stream Gauge icon.png stream gauge measuring water flow and depth to keep an eye on water reserves. This category also includes buildings to pump badwater, seal badwater sources, and process badwater into useful Extract icon.png Extract.


Well-Being (Building Category) icon.png Well-being buildings are mainly used to satisfy the Beavers icon.png beavers' secondary needs like fun, social life, spirituality or health in order to increase their Well-Being icon.png well-being.


Wood icon.png Wood buildings provide the abilities to Lumberjack Flag icon.png cut, Forester icon.png plant, and Tapper's Shack icon.png tap trees to obtein, among other things, the most essential good in the game: Logs icon.png Logs.
It also contains several Lumber Mill icon.png workshops to process wood into Planks icon.png Planks and a variety of other products.

Construction Features

Buildings can have special characteristics determining how they can be built like Terrain Block icon.png ground-only or Rooftop Terrace icon.png above-ground.


If another building can be constructed on top of a building, it is marked as solid.
Complete list of solid buildings:

Currently, buildings can be stacked up to (34) layers.


Some buildings cannot be built on top of another one, only on the ground.
Complete list of ground-only buildings:

Special Building Restrictions


Factions not only have different building models creating a unique look, they also have unique buildings that can be built exclusively by that faction, creating specific gameplay mechanics. All types of faction-specific buildings, organized by menu group:






Paths and Structures






List of Buildings