Mods (Update 6)

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This page describes installing mods as of Update 6, coming soon to the Timberborn's experimental branch.

Using mods from Steam Workshop

Browse the Timberborn Workshop for an interesting mod that is supported by the game version you’re on.

  1. Click Subscribe under a mod you want to use. Steam will then download it. We recommend going slowly—do not install every interesting mod at once, or you risk conflicts and crashes.
  2. Launch Timberborn (or restart it - any mod-related changes require a restart to apply).
  3. Before the game launches, the mod manager’s window will be displayed. Use it to turn mods on and off, and rearrange their launch order.
  4. Click OK.
  5. You can also access the mod manager by clicking Mods in the main menu.

If the mod doesn’t appear in the mod manager, click Download mods in the manager to be taken to Steam Workshop, find the mod again, and ensure you’re subscribed to it. Sometimes, Steam won’t download the Workshop content immediately, so check Steam’s Downloads section too. Finally, remember to restart the game after adding and removing mods.

To delete a mod downloaded from Steam Workshop, you will need to Unsubscribe from it in the Workshop. It will disappear from the mod manager and Steam will then delete it from your drive.

Using Update 6-compatible mods from other places

You can also use mods downloaded from another mod repository or shared with you directly. Please note that only mods created with the new system introduced in Update 6 in mind work this way.

Here’s what you need to do.

  1. If the mod came in a .zip archive, extract the archive first.
  2. Move the mod’s folder found inside to the Mods folder. By default, all mods are located here: Users\[user]\Documents\Timberborn\Mods.
  3. Launch Timberborn (or restart it - any mod-related changes require a restart to apply).
  4. Before the game launches, the mod manager’s window will be displayed. Use it to turn mods on and off, and rearrange their launch order.
  5. Click OK.
  6. You can also access the mod manager by clicking Mods in the main menu.

If you can't localize your Mods folder, click the Browse local mods button found in the mod manager.

Using pre-Update 6 mods

Follow the steps listed here: Mods.

Crashes and older branches

Compared to custom maps, mods are way more likely to crash the game or break it in other ways, so you’re using them at your own risk. Again, we suggest you take things slow and install mods one at a time.

If you experience serious in-game issues on your modded game, especially after Timberborn was updated, chances are the mods stopped working properly - either individually, or because of some specific mod combination. Your best bet may be to uninstall the mod or disable it via the mod manager, and wait until the mod’s author updates it to match the new game version.

You may also try rearranging mods’ launch order using the mod manager.

Alternatively, if the mod worked fine on a previous major version of the game (e.g. Update 5) and you want to continue playing with it, you may want to temporarily roll back the game’s version. To do that, follow the instructions found in this post.

When your game crashes while modded, you will see that noted on the post-crash screen. We will be grateful for your crash report nevertheless.

Creating mods

Check Creating Mods (Update 6) for a documentation on how to create mods under the new system.