Suspension Bridges

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Suspension bridges are Wood icon.png wooden Paths and Structures icon.png  paths and structures Buildings icon.png buildings that enable beavers to pass over gaps of varying widths. Whether or not to use suspension bridges or platforms is completely up to the player and completely dependent upon the situation currently being faced by the player.

There are six versions of suspension bridges and every version is (1) tile wide. The only differences between them are length and build materials. The shortest gap a suspension bridge can cross is (1) tile using a single Suspension Bridge 1x1 icon.png suspension bridge 1x1. The widest gap suspension bridges can cross is without using intermediate platforms or land/buildings is (12) tiles wide using two Suspension Bridge 6x1 icon.png suspension bridge 6x1 facing each other.

Required Materials

All suspension bridges require Log icon.png logs and Plank icon.png planks to be built. Suspension bridges larger than (3x1) also require Metal Block icon.png metal blocks.


Each suspension bridge is one tile wider than its name suggests. Take for example suspension bridge 1x1. It is actually two tiles long by one tile wide. One tile anchors to the ground and the other tile is the suspension bridge. Each suspension bridge is this way.



Suspension Bridge 1x1 icon.png [[Suspension Bridge 1x1|]] is (2) tiles wide and a single one can span a gap of (1) tile.


Suspension Bridge 2x1 icon.png [[Suspension Bridge 2x1|]] is (3) tiles wide and a single one can span a gap of (2) tiles.


Suspension Bridge 3x1 icon.png [[Suspension Bridge 3x1|]] is (4) tiles wide and a single one can span a gap of (3) tiles.


Suspension Bridge 4x1 icon.png [[Suspension Bridge 4x1|]] is (5) tiles wide and a single one can span a gap of (4) tiles.


Suspension Bridge 5x1 icon.png [[Suspension Bridge 5x1|]] is (6) tiles wide and a single one can span a gap of (5) tiles.


Suspension Bridge 6x1 icon.png [[Suspension Bridge 6x1|]] is (7) tiles wide and a single one can span a gap of (6) tiles.