Lumberjack Flag

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Lumberjack Flag icon.png Lumberjack Flag is a Buildings icon.png building that allows to cut trees and turn them into Log icon.png Logs. The employed beaver will only cut trees in range, and that have been selected with the "select trees to cut" tool.


The Area of Effect for the Lumberjack Flag (on completely flat ground with zero obstructions) is a 40x41 square with the Lumberjack Flag structure occupying the center tile. A 40x41 square equals 1,640 tiles. This is the total Area of Effect for the Lumberjack Flag.

Now that you know the total Area of Effect for the Lumberjack Flag is 1,640 tiles you can now figure out how many of those tiles will actually benefit from the Area of Effect from the Lumberjack Flag. Subtract 1 for the Lumberjack Flag structure, bringing the tile count down to 1,639.

The next thing to account for is Paths. Use the below linked image (Lumberjack Flag Area of Effect) for reference. The Area of Effect for the Lumberjack Flag extends 18 tiles above, 20 tiles right, 21 tiles below and 20 tiles left of the Lumberjack Flag structure. Using these dimensions the shortest Path that can be created is 21 tiles, leaving 1,639 - 21 = 1,618 usable tiles per Lumberjack Flag.