Wood Workshop

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The Wood Workshop icon.png Wood Workshop is a Wood icon.png Wood building that converts Plank icon.png Planks and Pine Resin icon.png Pine Resin into Treated Plank icon.png Treated Planks.


The wood workshop can be unlocked with 800 Science icon.png Science points, and is built with 20 Log icon.png Logs, 40 Plank icon.png Planks and 40 Gear icon.png Gears.

Logs are harvested with a Lumberjack Flag icon.png Lumberjack Flag, planks are made in Lumber Mill icon.png Lumber Mill, and gears are made in Gear Workshop icon.png Gear Workshop.


The wood workshop turns Plank icon.png Planks and Pine Resin icon.png Pine Resin into Treated Plank icon.png Treated Planks, taking 3 hours to make one treated plank.

It requires 250 hp Horsepower icon.png and employs 1 beaver. Treated planks are used in mines to make Scrap Metal icon.png Scrap Metal, are used to make Mud Bath icon.png Mud Bath, and are a building material in the Mechanical Water Pump icon.png Mechanical Water Pump.