User Interface

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Timberborn's user interface.

Launch Screen

The launch screen is what a player first sees after running Timberborn.

In English, the launch screen's text is as follows:

Greetings settler!

You are now playing Timberborn Early Access.

The path ahead is exciting but bear in mind that the game is a work in progress. We keep adding new content and many existing pars of the game require further work. Bugs and crashes will happen. Please share your feedback using the Go to feedback site button or on the official Discord server.

If you previously played Timberborn Alpha, Beta or Demo, the game has since been heavily optimized and contains new content, including new buildings, the second playable faction, and more. Be prepared that some mechanics have been redesigned and work differently.

Good luck and remember to stay hydrated!

Press Enter on keyboard or click Start! to advance to the main menu.

Main menu

The main menu as seen in-game.

From the main menu a player can easily access wanted actions.


The Continue action, if clicked, will load the last active game save file and continue that game.

New game

The New game action enables the creation and starting of a new game. Clicking on New game will advance the player to the faction selection screen.

Choose your faction

There are (2) factions to choose from. Folktails icon.png Folktails and Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth.

Choose your faction Folktails

Main article: Folktails logo.png Folktails

Folktails icon.png Folktails are described in-game, in English as:

Easygoing but hardworking, Folktails are expert farmers. They respect nature and it rewards them with plentiful bounties.

Their motto: Comfort, food, and sturdy wood.

Back button returns player to the previous screen. Next button accepts Folktails icon.png Folktails as the wanted faction and advances to the map selection screen.

Choose your faction Iron Teeth

Main article: Iron Teeth logo.png Iron Teeth

Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth are described in-game, in English as:

Defectors of the traditional timber ways, they mastered iron and science to build advanced machinery.

They achieve progress through ingenuity, efficiency, and disregard for the environment.

Their motto: Work hard, work hard.

Back button returns player to the previous screen. Next button advances to the map selection screen.

Select map

Select map provides provides a player with the ability to choose which map they would like their game to take place in. The maps available to a player will be the same regardless of the faction selected in the previous step.

Custom maps appear after default game maps in the select map scroll box.

Select map Folktails

Once a map has been selected, click Next to advance to the game mode selection screen. Clicking Back will return the player to the previous screen.

Select map Iron Teeth

Once a map has been selected, click Next to advance to the game mode selection screen. Clicking Back will return the player to the previous screen.

Default game modes

Game mode, also known as difficulty level, has (3) different default options. The options available are the same for both factions.

  • Easy - You are new to city-building/survival games.
  • Normal - You have played city-building/survival games before.
  • Hard - City-building/survival games aren't new. You want a challenge.

The default game mode variables for easy, normal, and hard are outlined in the following table.

Default game mode variables
Variables Easy Normal Hard
Beavers icon.png Beavers
Beavers icon.png Starting adults 7 7 7
Beavers icon.png Starting kits 4 4 4
Food icon.png Food
Food icon.png Starting amount 300 130 90
Food icon.png Consumption rate 60% 100% 100%
Water (Goods Category) icon.png Water
Water (Good) icon.png Starting amount 250 0 0
Water (Good) icon.png Consumption rate 60% 100% 100%
Weather icon.png Weather duration: (min) - (max) day(s)
Temperate icon.png Temperate 16 - 19 13 - 17 5 - 8
Drought icon.png Drought 2 - 4 5 - 9 15 - 30
Weather icon.png Weather handicap: Drought icon.png drought
Duration multiplier (%) 20% 50% 20%
Duration (cycles) 7 7 15

Default game mode Folktails

Default game mode for Folktails icon.png Folktails, as seen in-game.

Back returns player to the previous screen. Start button begins a new game using the previously selected options.

Default game mode Iron Teeth

Default game mode for Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth, as seen in-game.

Back returns player to the previous screen. Start button begins a new game using the previously selected options.

Custom game mode

Create the exact game you want. The custom game mode variables are outlined in the following table.

Custom game mode variables
Beavers icon.png Beavers Min Default Max
Beavers icon.png Starting adults 1 7 250
Beavers icon.png Starting kits 0 4 250
Consumption Min % Default % Max %
Food icon.png Food consumption rate 10 60 - 100 1000
Water (Good) icon.png Water consumption rate 10 60 - 100 1000
Starting amount Min Default(s) Max
Food icon.png Food 0 90 - 300 999999
Water (Good) icon.png Water 0 0 - 250 999999
Weather icon.png Weather duration (days) Min Default(s) Max
Temperate icon.png Temperate 3 5 - 19 999999999
Drought icon.png Drought 0 2 - 30 999999999
Drought icon.png Drought duration handicap Min Default(s) Max
Drought icon.png Drought duration multiplier % 0 20 - 50 100
Drought icon.png Drought duration cycles 0 7 - 15 999999999

Custom game mode Folktails

Custom game mode for Folktails icon.png Folktails, as seen in-game.

Back returns player to the previous screen. Start button begins a new game using the previously selected options.

Custom game mode Iron Teeth

Custom game mode for Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth, as seen in-game.

Back returns player to the previous screen. Start button begins a new game using the previously selected options.

Load game

Load game allows the loading or deletion of game save files. Click Load game to open the load game screen.

Load game screen

The load game screen as seen in-game.

Game save files are displayed in descending order by file creation date. Selecting a game save file provides a player with the options of deleting or loading that game save file.

To delete a game save file, select it and then click Delete. If Delete has been clicked the following confirmation screen appears.

Are you sure you wish to delete <insert_game_save_file_name>?

To cancel game save file deletion, click No and be returned to the previous screen. To affirm deletion click Yes.

To load a game save file, select it and click Load and that game save file will be loaded and that game resumed.

Create new map

Create new map, if clicked, opens the create new map screen.

Create new map screen

The create new map screen as seen in-game.

Valid map sizes are within the range of (4 - 256) x (4 - 256) tiles. Input a valid map size and click Create to advance to the map editor.

Edit map

Edit map, if clicked, opens the edit map selection screen.

Edit map selection

The edit map selection screen as seen in-game.

Once a map is selected from the list of available maps, click Load to advance to the map editor. To exit the edit map selection screen click the X button and return to the previous screen. Clicking on Browse directory will open the folder containing Timberborn map files.


Please refer to game settings for a complete breakdown of all available game settings.


Clicking on Credits will open a scrolling credits screen.

Credits screen as seen in-game, in English.

Timberborn credits screen.

Go to feedback site

Go to feedback site, if clicked, will open a web browser window with the following url:

You can visit the feedback site, by clicking here to provide your feedback to Mechanistry, the developers of Timberborn.

Exit game

Exit game, if clicked, directly exits the game. There is no "are you sure?" confirmation.


Clicking on the Discord button will open a browser window with the following url:

You too can join the Timberborn Discord and become a part of a vibrant community!

Version information

Version information displays Timberborn's versioning information.

Example version string: vYYYYMMDD-???????-xx (v20211008-31c08af-sw)

  • v = Version
  • YYYY = (4) digit year string
  • MM = (2) digit month string
  • DD = (2) digit day string
  • ??????? = (7) character alphanumeric string
  • xx = (2) character alphabetic string

Language selection

Language selection screen, as seen in-game, in English.

X button returns player to previous screen. OK button accepts language selection and returns to previous screen.

Available languages

Timberborn is available in (11) languages.

  • Deutsch (German)
  • English (English)
  • Español (Spanish)
  • Français (French)
  • Italiano (Italian)
  • 日本語 (Japanese)
  • 한국어 (Korean)
  • Polski (Polish)
  • Português Brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • Pусский(Russian)
  • (Simplified Chinese)

Select language

Select a language by checking the check box next to the preferred language and then clicking the OK button.