Game Mode

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The Game Mode, also known as Difficulty, is a preset of values that changes how the game behaves. When starting a new game, you are prompted to select a Faction, a Map and a Game Mode.

Timberborn has 3 base Game Modes: Easy, Normal and Hard. A Custom option is also available.


The selected Game Mode modifies the range of possible Temperate icon.png temperate, Drought icon.png drought, and Badtide icon.png badtide days in a cycle, and how much and for how long a season handicap is applied. The settings can be customized during selection.

Setting Easy Normal Hard
Starting adults 8 aged 10% to 70% 8 aged 10% to 70% 8 aged 10% to 70%
Starting children 4 aged 10% to 80% 4 aged 10% to 80% 4 aged 10% to 80%
Food consumption 40% 100% 100%
Water consumption 40% 100% 100%
Starting food 300 130 90
Starting water 250 0 0
Temperate weather duration 16 to 19 days 13 to 17 days 5 to 8 days
Droughts Yes Yes Yes
Drought duration 2 to 4 days 5 to 9 days 15 to 30 days
Drought duration handicap 25% for 8 cycles 38% for 5 cycles 20% for 12 cycles
Badtides Yes Yes Yes
Cycles without badtide 5 4 3
Badtide chance 40% 40% 40%
Badtide duration 1 to 3 days 4 to 8 days 15 to 30 days
Badtide duration handicap 30% for 6 cycles 15% for 5 cycles 40% for 9 cycles
Injury chance 30% 100% 100%
Building refund rate 90% 75% 75%

Easy Normal Hard Custom (Default)
Starting Adults 8 8 8 8
Starting Kids 4 4 4 4
Starting Adults Age 10% to 70% 10% to 70% 10% to 70% 10% to 70%
Starting Kid Age 10% to 80% 10% to 80% 10% to 80% 10% to 80%
Food Consumption 0.6 (60%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%)
Water Consumption 0.6 (60%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%)
Starting Food 300 130 90 130
Starting Water 250 0 0 0
Temperate icon.png Temperate (days) 16 to 19 days 13 to 17 days 5 to 8 days 13 to 17 days
Drought icon.png Drought (days) 2 to 4 days 5 to 9 days 15 to 30 days 5 to 9 days
Handicap Multiplier 20% 38% 20% 38%
Handicap Period (cycles) 10 cycles 6 cycles 15 cycles 6 cycles
Injury Chance 0.3 (30%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%)
Building refund rate (Rubble) 90% 75% 75% 75%

Easy Normal Hard Custom (Default)
Starting Adults 7 7 7 7
Starting Children 4 4 4 4
Starting Adults Aging 10% to 80% 10% to 80% 10% to 80% 10% to 80%
Food Consumption 0.6 (60%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%)
Water Consumption 0.6 (60%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%)
Starting Food 300 130 90 130
Starting Water 250 0 0 0
Temperate icon.png Temperate (days) 16 to 19 days 13 to 17 days 5 to 8 days 13 to 17 days
Drought icon.png Drought (days) 2 to 4 days 5 to 9 days 15 to 30 days 5 to 9 days
Handicap Multiplier 20% 38% 20% 38%
Handicap Period (cycles) 10 cycles 6 cycles 15 cycles 6 cycles
Injury Chance 0.3 (30%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%) 1.0 (100%)
Building refund rate (Rubble) 90% 75% 75% 75%



You are still learning or want a relaxed city-building experience.

Your settlement starts with an abundant supply of resources.

Beavers consume less food and water.

Droughts are rare and short.


You want a challenge.

Your settlement starts with moderate resources.

Droughts are milder at the beginning but intensify over time.


Humans did not make it and neither will you.

Your settlement starts with scarce resources.

Droughts are severe and become even worse over time.

Sharpen your incisors.

Editing existing saves

There are two ways on editing a save:

  1. Go to ~\Documents\Timberborn\Saves
  2. Unzip .timber file (change extension to .zip first if you don't know how)
  3. Open extracted .json save file with notepad or more advanced text editor (see JSON format reference)
  4. Ctrl + F to find "duration"
  5. Edit min, & max, temperate, & drought durations for the next cycle
  6. Zip and change extension back to .timber if you extracted the file. Keep a backup of original file in case you've made a mistake in JSON syntax - it will crash the game on loading

Game Modes

No, not the difficulty ones, actual game modes. There are currently one official game mode and one un-official game mode: