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The Levee icon.png Levee is a 1x1 building used to completely block the passage of Fluids icon.png Fluids.

As of Update 6 due to the 3D water physics implementation, the Levee can also be built on top of Platform icon.png Platforms to build aqueducts.[1]

Levees can be stacked to form waterproof walls. In addition to a floor of Levees, with Update 6, the Impermeable Floor icon.png Impermeable Floor gives another option to form waterproof flooring.

A combination of Levee icon.png Levees, Platform icon.png Platforms, Floodgate icon.png Floodgates and Dam icon.png Dams can be used to build complex fluid control systems.

  1. Update 6 patchnotes on steam, from 13th of october 2024: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1062090/view/4617965876718311948