Triple Floodgate

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Triple Floodgate icon.png Triple Floodgate is a Landscaping icon.png Landscaping Buildings that blocks the flow of Fluids icon.png Fluids up to an adjustable height.

By being height-adjustable the triple floodgate offers more control over water than Dam icon.png Dams do. This extra ability comes with an added build cost of requiring Plank icon.png Planks.


Adjustment Options

The triple floodgate has 7 adjustment levels. Which adjustment option to use, at a given time, will depend upon what the player desires to have happen.

Completely Closed

Setting triple floodgate to (3.0) will adjust the height of the floodgate to (3) tiles tall and will completely shut the floodgate. The floodgate will act as a stack of levees in this state.

Partially Closed/Open

Setting the triple floodgate to any value ending in (.5) will adjust the function of the triple floodgate to act as a dam at that level. If it is prefixed by 1 or 2, it would act as a dam on top of that many levees. (e.g. 2.5 would act as a dam on top of 2 levees)

Setting the triple floodgate to any value ending in (.0) will adjust the function of the triple floodgate to act as a stack of levees the height of the prefix. (e.g. 2.0 would act as 2 levees)

Completely Open

Setting the triple floodgate to (0.0) will adjust the height of the triple floodgate to (0.0) tiles tall. The flood gate will not influence water in this state.


  • Path icon.png Paths cannot be placed on top of floodgates.