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Floodgate icon.png Floodgate is a Landscaping icon.png Landscaping Buildings icon.png building that blocks the flow of Fluids icon.png fluids up to an adjustable height. By being height-adjustable the floodgate offers more control over water than Dam icon.png Dams do. This extra ability comes with an added build cost of requiring Plank icon.png Planks.

Path icon.png Paths cannot be placed on top of floodgates.


Adjustment Options

The floodgate has (3) adjustment options. Which adjustment option to use, at a given time, will depend upon various factors, none of which are under the control of the player. There is no single absolutely always correct answer. The option a player will choose to implement at any given time will depend purely upon the situation they find themselves in at that time.

Completely Closed

Setting floodgate to (1.0) will adjust the height of the floodgate to (1) tile tall and will completely shut the floodgate. The floodgate will act as a levee in this state.

Partially Closed/Open

Setting the floodgate to (0.5) will adjust the height of the floodgate to (0.5) tiles tall. The floodgate will act as a dam in this state.

Completely Open

Setting the floodgate to (0.0) will adjust the height of the floodgate to (0.0) tiles tall. The flood gate will not influence water in this state.