Deep Mechanical Water Pump

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For Folktails icon.png Folktails equivalent, see Mechanical Water Pump.

Deep Mechanical Water Pump icon.png Deep Mechanical Water Pump is a Buildings icon.png building exclusive to Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth that allows for advanced control of Fluids icon.png Fluid levels.


Unlike the regular Water Pump icon.png Deep Water Pump, the deep mechanical water pump does not create drinkable water. Rather it pumps water from one side straight to the other side. The maximum pumping depth is 6 tiles.

When the deep mechanical water pump is used to pump water to a 1 tile wide canal it will create a flow of 0.5 cms.


The deep mechanical water pump is built with 100 Gear icon.png Gears, 50 Treated Plank icon.png Treated Planks, and 50 Metal Block icon.png Metal Blocks. Gears are produced in Gear Workshop icon.png Gear Workshop, treated planks are made in Wood Workshop icon.png Wood Workshop, and metal blocks are made in a Smelter icon.png Smelter. It costs 5000 Science icon.png Science points to unlock it. The blocks under the pipes must be at a lower level than where the pump being built.

Power icon.png Power can only be transferred into the pump from the side block (see picture). Trying to attach power via pump side or pipe side will not work. Unknown if power from beneath the pump (like if sitting atop a rowhouse) would power the pump.