Eggplant (Crop)

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Eggplant (Crop) icon.png Eggplant (Crop) is an agricultural plant that, when harvested, produces Eggplants icon.png Eggplants. Cultivated on fertile soil, these crops are tended by Beavers working from a Farmhouse icon.png Farmhouse. Without sufficient irrigation, eggplant crops are at risk of drying out. It takes only 1.1 days for an unwatered eggplant seedling to dry out completely and perish. Successful growth of these crops relies on meticulous water management to ensure a bountiful harvest of Eggplants.


A Farmhouse icon.png Farmhouse is required to plant Eggplant seedlings.


  • In real life, eggplants, also known as aubergines, are part of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, which includes tomatoes, bell peppers, and potatoes. This family is known for its variety of edible and medicinal plants, as well as some toxic ones.

See also
