Large Windmill

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For Windmill, see Windmill.

The Large Windmill icon.png Large Windmill is a Buildings icon.png building unique to Folktails icon.png Folktails that generates a random amount of Power icon.png Power depending upon on the current wind conditions.

Power generation can range from 0 to 400 hp Horsepower icon.png, but Large Windmills won't generate power if the wind strength is less than 20% (which is 10% lower than the minimum wind strength for the Windmill).

Windmills have an output at the base for running either Power Shafts or connecting directly to buildings. They can also be "daisy chained" together to increase total hp Horsepower icon.png output.

Windmills do not work when flooded. The location and height of windmills does not affect their Power icon.png Power output.


  • The dimensions are only (3x3) tiles at a height of (3) to (5). At heights (1) and (2), the dimensions are only (1x1) tile where the base is.
  • Average Power is 192 hp.