Needs (Obsolete)

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For The new well-being system, see Well-Being.

Needs are criteria that either must, should, or could be fulfilled by each Beavers icon.png Beaver.


Each specific need has different requirements. All needs require access to either Food icon.png food, Water icon.png water, Buildings icon.png buildings, Decoration icon.png decorations, or just unoccupied space to be satisfied.

Satisfying Needs

Each specific need is satisfied differently. Every need that is satisfied by a beaver will increase the overall well-being score of that beaver.

The manner in how a need is satisfied falls into one of three categories.

Physical Access to a Building

A beaver has to enter a building and to spend time there to satisfy this kind of needs. When multiple options are available, the more expensive ones usually give higher bonuses. Needs requiring physical access to a building are:

Consuming a Material

A beaver has to get to a storage or production building and retrieve one unit of certain types to satisfy this needs. Needs requiring consumption of a food or material are:

In Effect Range of a Building

A beaver only has to be somewhere near the building to satisfy this needs. If the range overlaps with a building, all beavers within the building acquire satisfaction during their stay. Needs requiring a beaver be in effect range of a building are:

Sleep is the only need that doesn't fall into one of the previous categories. The only requirement for sleep is a space to sleep.


There are three different classifications of needs. Vital, essential and optional.


Vital needs are criteria that if not satisfied will result in death of the affected beaver. There are two needs that are classified as vital.

  • Hunger - If not satisfied, Beavers icon.png beaver will die anywhere between 0.7 to 3.0 days. Hunger can only be fulfilled by having access to and eating Food icon.png food. Any unit of Food icon.png Food replenishes the 30% of Hunger. All beavers lose 80% of their hunger need every day (to a minimum of 0%) and each Food icon.png food replenishes 33%, meaning they require 2.67 food/day.
  • Thirst

Essential needs are criteria that if not satisfied will result in the affected beaver passing out from exhaustion. There is one need that is classified as essential.

Not all optional needs provide positive bonus effects to beavers.

Effect of Needs

Vital needs provide the benefit of continued life. Essential needs provide the ability for a beaver to have a predictable sleep pattern. Optional needs provide positive bonus effects to some beavers. The amount of, as well as which positive bonus effects a beaver can have will vary at any given time.

Needs that provide positive bonus effects will continue to apply their positive bonus effects as long as they continue to remain satisfied.

Some needs do not provide any positive bonus effects to beavers. Needs that do not affect kits:

One need applies a positive bonus effect to all beavers except Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth adults:

Satisfaction Bonuses

Most needs positive bonus effect are different for kits and adults. Comfort is the one need that has the same positive bonus effect for both kits and adults.

Rates of Change

A beaver's needs are gradually drained by a certain amount per day. The table below shows how fast the different needs are drained per day.

The amount drained per day is the same for adults and kits.

Need Drained per Day
Hunger 80%
Thirst 70%
Sleep 60%
Aesthetics 50%
Awe I 50%
Awe II 50%
Awe III 50%
Comfort 13%
Fun 40%
Knowledge 10%
Nutrition I 13%
Nutrition II 13%
Nutrition III 13%
Social life 40%
Spirituality 10%