Large Warehouse (Obsolete)

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The Large Warehouse icon.png Large Warehouse is the first unlockable Storage icon.png storage building and costs 250 Science icon.png Science to unlock.

The large warehouse is available to both the Folktails icon.png Folktails and Iron Teeth icon.png Iron Teeth factions and has a storage capacity of 1000. This increased storage capacity does require an increase in ground size. The large warehouse is 3x3 tiles on the ground and two stories tall. However, this marginal increase in ground space is worth it for the extra 800 storage.

Building a large warehouse will add its storage capacity to the district it is connected to.

On Update 3, Large Warehouse was drastically changed to Large Warehouse icon.png Large Warehouse:

  • It now stores a single good type.
  • Capacity was increased to 1200.
  • It's now a 3x3 and 2 blocks tall full rectangle.
  • Building walls were reduced, allowing to see the crates with store good inside.
  • It no longer propagates Power icon.png Power.